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Number of items available in marketplace: 84
Selected filter: trl6 (6 items found)


CLEVER analysis for process manufacturing in the food industry by Gradiant allows you to obtain valuable information to make better decisions and be more competitive through the use of IIoT technologies and advanced prediction and optimization ML/AI techniques to achieve optimal process parametrization.

D. Garcia 
Type: AI models, software & personalized consultancy
TRL: 6


Design of hybrid Digital Twin solutions applicable to the manufacturing domain but not limited to it. The approach might rely on the use of virtual/augmented reality complementing the physics/data-oriented models, or the use of simulation or modeling with AI-based approaches, alleviating problems related to data scarcity.

Mobile Middleware Research Group  
Armir Bujari 
Type: software-docker
TRL: 6


Digitization of Production Processes is enabled by modelling the process, combining process log data with process model and analysing, simulating and visualising the status of the production process.

BOC Group  
Robert Woitsch 
Type: Software-Package: Open-Source version for process modelling, simulation and monitoring
TRL: 6


The Scenario Scanner supports modelling, experimentation and training of digital solutions within the OMiLAB Innovation Corner environment in a co-creative manner.

BOC Group  
Robert Woitsch 
Type: Service
TRL: 6

Marketplace landing page (a.k.a. lightweight marketplace) is intended for brokers such as DISH who wish to run and operate a marketplace, with a collection of items, that is hosted outside their premises. The maFront-end part is using standardized open source, middleware is optional (and can be provided), back-end (infrastructure) is provided

Michal Kulczewski 
Type: Software as a Service
TRL: 6


Customize or develop (distributed) Cloud-to-thing management and control software solutions supporting heterogeneous Digital Twins, enforcing applications' Qualify of Service (QoS) specifications in terms of e.g., latency, reliability, privacy/security etc.

Mobile Middleware Research Group  
Armir Bujari 
Type: software-docker
TRL: 6