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Number of items available in marketplace: 84
Selected filter: trl8 (6 items found)


BI·tal is a customizable platform that allows data capture, monitoring and advanced analysis. BI·tal has specific developments for MES, CMMS and WMS systems and integrates IoT, Big Data and Business Analytics functionalities.

ITCL Centro Tecnológico  
Diego Martínez 
Type: Software and consultancy
TRL: 8


CloudBroker platform provides a marketplace where you can offer your own cloud resources and application software or use resources and software provided by others.

CloudBroker GmbH  
Nicola Fantini 
Type: Software as a Service
TRL: 8


Do you want to know which type of digital twin applies to your business and whether you’re ready for digital twins? The Compass tool is an assessment that links your ambition & business need with digital transitions and potential digital twins solutions.

Joke Bruining 
Type: Consultancy / Online Tool / Software Tool
TRL: 8


Emulous is an Australian start-up focused on Digital Twin and data analytics technology that employs powerful tools to provide companies a modern way to run their business processes entirely based on data and intelligence.

Ignacio Ramos 
Type: Consulting Offering: Consulting, Offering Simio modelling knowledge and training, experience and interpretation.
TRL: 8


Analysing legacy IT finding appropriate ways to integrate edge devices. For this interfaces will be developed in a customer specific way to complement legacy environment with necessary edge and digital devices to enable digitization.

Type: Software and Consulting Solution
TRL: 8

SISL is a comprehensive NURBS library for the modelling and interrogation of curves and surfaces. It is implemented in C and has been under continuous development over three decades.

SINTEF Digital  
Tor Dokken 
Type: software-offering-library
TRL: 8